- 05/02/2025 ISTA, Vienna
- 10/12/2024 Algebra and Number Theory Seminar at University of Vienna
- 03/10/2024 Workshop at UNIPR Parma
- 16/04/2024 Algebra Seminar at RWTH Aachen
- 23/03/2023 Talks in Mathematical Physics at ETH Zurich
- 06/02/2023 Paris Algebra Seminar at IHP Paris
- 10/2024 Workshop on Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics, UNIPR, Parma
- 09/2024 Workshop Quantization in Representation Theory, Derived Algebraic Geometry, and Gauge Theory, SRS, Les Diablerets
- 06/2024 Conference Algebras and representation theory in Germany 4, RWTH Aachen
- 06/2024 Conference Vertex algebras, geometric representation theory and quantum groups, CIRM, Luminy
- 11/2023 Conference Algebraic and combinatorial methods in representation theory, ICTS (online)
- 09/2023 Conference Groups in action: from representations and harmonic analysis on Lie groups to index theory, IMJ-PRG, Paris
- 06/2022 Summer school Representation theory and flag or quiver varieties, IMJ-PRG, Paris
- 12/2020 Conference Quantum groups and cohomology theory of quiver and flag varieties (online)
- 01/2020 Workshop Geometry and representation theory, IHP, Paris
- 01/2020 Winter school Categorifications, moduli spaces and representation theory, CIRM, Luminy